Examples of the Rules
How to Write the Vowels and the Letter S:
Don’t be too worried about getting the following instructions right. They are not hard and fast rules, but guidelines to help you write your outlines more easily. The most important thing is that you can read back your writing without any difficulty.
Circle vowels are joined inside curves and outside angles. (key, gay, ear, dean, net, rare, keg, meek)
Between two curves in opposite directions, put the circle vowel on the back of the first curve. In other words, put the circle vowel inside the second curve. (kill, wreck, gear, rig)
On either end of a straight line, circle vowels are written clockwise. (aim, main, deed, tight)
After a horizontal stroke, the U is dropped to its side. (mood, moon, room, nook)
Before a horizontal stroke as well as R and L, the O is placed on its side.
(on, or, nor, moan, coat)
When S is joined to a curve, write it in the same direction as the curve.
(space, face, sphere, sail. race, slow, scheme, maps)
When S is joined to a straight line, use the S that forms a sharp angle.
(stone, nets, snow, lance)